User Reviews

Brian A Richards (Clientor) Roseville, CA

Reviews (1)
Please leave your review if you have any real estate deals, buy, rent or sell your property with Brian A Richards (Clientor) Roseville, CA . Submit & share your experience and opinions about this California real estate company & agent, about their services, prices, available properties & any other important information. Your review will become a very useful information for other clients. All reviews will be verified by moderators at RE-Agents-CA.Org.

Brian Richards is an Elder Abuser - BEWARE!
Brian Richards convinced his 80-year-old mother withdraw $79,000 out of her Retirement accounts and take out a $250,000 loan in her name. A month later convinced his mommy to QUIT DEED the home to himself and wife Becky Richards. Additionally, over the years convinced his mommy to write Brian checks in excess of $89,604.00 and an $18,000 Promissory Note. Lastly $9,000 for a car.
Brian A. Richards convinced his Mommy to change Attorneys from a 5 Star law firm SEASON’s LAW to “Charlton K. Wordell - BAR #191544” Mr. Wordell has 6 Criminal Conviction ranging from 2 x DUI’s, False Imprisonment and Failure to Obey a Protective Order. Mr. Wordell has served Jail time for the 6 Convictions.
Mr. “Charlton K. Wordell #191544” BAR Record can be viewed here;
Brian’s emails documenting his Mommy buying him and his wife Rebecca “Becky” a House can be seen here.
Also check registers totaling $89,000 in check, $18,000 promissory note, and a note to his mommy for a $9,000 Volvo from his 80 year-old Mommy can be viewed here:

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